Perry, the traffic class is mutable at ISP boundaries.
If the flow label is also mutable, it adds no value
and becomes wasted bits.


"Perry E. Metzger" wrote:
> Michael Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > If you don't believe in signaled QoS, you don't
> > believe in any use of a flow label qua flow label.
> I thought we had a "traffic class" to permit "signaled QoS" for some
> value of "signaled QoS". I was unaware flow labels were intended for
> this purpose.
> > And XP can make flow labels along with DSCP's as
> > soon as the current or next gen worm is done
> > rewriting their kernels.
> I'm an old fashioned kind of engineer. I'd like to see some folks from
> router vendors give us precise information about the *exact* use
> they'll put the flow label information to, and quantitative
> information about how much better it will be for them to have the flow
> label than not to have it. Engineering by committee is bad enough --
> engineering by committee and by hearsay simultaneously is far worse.
> Perry
> --
> Perry E. Metzger                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
> NetBSD Development, Support & CDs.
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