Pekka Savola writes:
 > On Fri, 18 Jan 2002, Jari Arkko wrote:
 > > > I looked at a lot of stuff, but that's the only one I saw,
 > > > even though it can be dressed up in different ways.
 > > > What else is there?
 > > 
 > > I think you are right Charlie, that is the only downside.
 > > (There's a bunch of other downsides related to fixing
 > > with AAA the hole HAO leaves in ingress filtering, but
 > > that's another issue.)
 > > 
 > > The primary danger of unconstrained HAO is having even a small
 > > number of attackers spoof HAOs and use a large
 > > number of CNs as reflectors to attack a specific
 > > target even if your network has ingress filtering.
 > > Basically, it voids ingress filtering.
 > [snip]
 > There is a downside: destination site's filtering ("spoofing protection" 
 > from the direction of the Internet) is nullified!

   Thank you. That was exactly what my point was.
   It's not just the reflector attack; the HAO
   nullifies all of the ingress filtering present
   on the net right now. That is distinctly worse
   than the status quo.

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