> I have no doubts that router vendors will ship router preferences.  That's
> not what I'm concerned with.   I'm concerned that host implementors implement
> it, or that they don't implement load sharing.  That is, a host that simply
> picks one default router, and sticks with it as long as it is functional
> (until NUD says go elsewhere) I can cope with.   A host that implements
> router preferences I can cope with.   A host that simply insists on picking
> any random router that is sending RAs and sends packets at it, and
> distributes its load, I cannot cope with - that combination must not be
> allowed to happen.

Hmm - I know of a large server vendor who has been spreading the load
over multiple default routes for IPv4 for about 10 years.
I guess the difference is that even with ICMP router discovery (RFC 1256)
there is a preference field so the admins have a knob.

Is it just the absense of such a knob to the administator that is lacking?
Or is there a need to have a rich set of preferences? (RFC 1256 has 256
different values vs. router preferences has only 3 values).


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