> Actually, I made a proposal in which one would not need to run DAD on
> addresses other than link-local if the ids were globally unique (e.g.,
> generated from the EUI-64 identifier). One would still need to run DAD
> on other addresses (e.g., temprorary addresses).

I have some mild uneasines about solutions which require the IP layer
to be aware of internal structure of the interface identifier (like
whether it is EUI-64 or not).

Of course, this leads into implementation logic, where the stack must
always ask the network interface to give id (in case of EUI-64), and
additionally, there would be need for API to ask random ID from
interface. But, I prefer such solution, because then interface ID just
always just a string of bits for the stack.

Btw, amusingly I stumbled on draft-ietf-ipngwg-addr-arch-v3-07.txt,
"2.5.1 Interface Identifiers":

   Interface identifiers in IPv6 unicast addresses are used to
   identify interfaces on a link.  They are required to be unique on
   that link. ....

This sounds good to me, exactly what I need :-)
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