On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, Bob Hinden wrote:
> The draft agenda is attached.  When we put together the agenda we give 
> priority to work the chairs and AD's thought was most important.  There 
> were a number of request for agenda slots that could not be 
> honored.  Suggest these topics be brought to the mailing list.

As there was unfortunately no time, I'd like to ask your feedback on:


Rh-hosts draft hasn't generated much of discussion since it left mobile-ip
working group.  I believe this will become unnecessary when host
requirements includes similar discussion.  But do we have to do something 
in the interim period?

127-prefixlen has genererated quite a lot of discussion, both back in 
Novermeber and now, and we seem to have reached some kind of a consensus 
on the contents.  The most important question I stated for which there 
have replies is, what should be do with this?  E.g.:

 1) this is a non-issue, no need to do anything
 2) wait for e.g. router requirements (could take 
    a long time), what to do in the mean time?
 3) push for individual informational
 4) adapt as w.g. document, push for informational

This is something I'd have liked to gauge in the w.g. meeting.

Pekka Savola                 "Tell me of difficulties surmounted,
Netcore Oy                   not those you stumble over and fall"
Systems. Networks. Security.  -- Robert Jordan: A Crown of Swords

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