Why wouldn't ICANN finish this job in the fullness of time?

It's clear that the IETF decision is ip6.arpa so we just have to
make it happen.


Bill Manning wrote:
> % If so, I think ID should refer RFC1886, then nibble-style, of cause.
> %
> % But I have a question.
> % What domain should be the right stuff,
> % ip6.int or ip6.arpa, or both?
> % Please tell us WG consensus.
> %
>         Its not WG consensus but it is true that it appears unlikly that
>         ICANN will ever fully populate the IP6.ARPA zone. It turns out to
>         be a subset of what is in the IP6.INT zone.
>         The IESG approved RFC 30xx (61,16, something like that) that
>         instructs ICANN to only populate the IP6.ARPA zone with prefixes
>         delegated by the RIRs.  Since a good chunk of IPv6 space was
>         delegated prior to the RIRs participation in IPv6, the rules
>         the IESG has given to ICANN prevent ICANN from doing the "right"
>         thing.
>         So what do you think is the right thing to do?
> --
> --bill
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