Here's my cut at a list of requirements for DNS Configuration.  It's based 
on Bob's "IPv6 DNS Discovery Requirements Statement", previous discussions 
on DNS configuration, and  my own $0.02.  My intention is to list all of 
the requirements I've heard in the various discussions about DNS configuration.

The requirements are numbered for reference and listed in order of 
importance.  There are notes about some of the requirements following the list.

Questions for the WG:

Are there other requirements not covered by this list?
Do any of the requirements need clarification?
Should any of the requirements be discarded?
What is the order of importance of the requirements?

- Ralph

IPv6 DNS Configuration Requirements

  1. Host receives IPv6 address(es) of DNS server(s) available to the
     host for DNS resolution
     1.a. The list of servers includes only currently available
     1.b. The host can obtain the addresses of new servers as needed
  2. Hosts obtain DNS configuration with no manual configuration
  3. The addresses of a particular server are provided to hosts with no
     manual configuration of that server
  4. Hosts obtain DNS configuration using only those resources required
     for DNS resolution
  5. Hosts obtain DNS configuration without the manual configuration of
     any external service
  6. Hosts can (if desired) authenticate the reliability of servers
  7. Definition of DNS configuration requires no additional
     protocol definition
  8. Implementation of DNS configuration requires no additional protocol
  9. Time to initial deployment is minimal
10. Hosts have one way to perform DNS configuration
11. DNS configuration operates when host and DNS servers are in same
     site or in different sites
12. A network administrator can control what servers a host uses
13. Host is configured with domain and domain search list

  2. (and 3.) Hosts and DNS servers operate as "plug-and-play" or
  7. "additional protocol definition" means protocols not currently a
     standard or defined in a standards-track Internet Draft
  8. "no additional protocol implementation" means hosts and servers
     are not required to include code for protocols that they wouldn't
     otherwise implement
10. Hosts shouldn't need to try several different DNS Configuration
     protocols to find which one is available on a link
11. Hosts and DNS servers can exchange datagrams using site-local

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