On Thu, 2 May 2002, Brian Haberman wrote:
> Pekka Savola wrote:
> > 
> > On Thu, 2 May 2002, Brian Haberman wrote:
> > >      I had actually started taking a crack at this whole problem.  It
> > > seems to me that the following components are needed for some form of
> > > global anycast support:
> > >
> > >      1. Host-to-router notification protocol (this is taken care of by
> > >         changes to mld proposed in draft-haberman-ipngwg-host-anycast)
> > >
> > >      2. Security: at a minimum some form of authentication to allow
> > >         routers to determine if hosts are allowed to join an anycast
> > >         group
> > 
> > You're making assumptions here.
> > 
> > Hosts could very well participate in routing protocols.
> I don't think I am making assumptions.  If a node is injecting routes,
> it is a router.  It may not be a member of the trusted set of routers
> though.  That is where the security comes in.  If operators want to
> protect the set of nodes that can inject routes, they can do so by
> securing the routing protocol exchanges.

No, if a node is injecting routes, it needs not to be a router, as 
specified in RFC2460 and referred to in addrarch.

The definition:

   router      - a node that forwards IPv6 packets not explicitly
                 addressed to itself.  [See Note below].

DNS servers could participate in the routing protocol, injecting a route 
to itself, while still being hosts.

Usually the definition of router also includes forwarding packets between 
interfaces, but that's only implicit here.

> > >      4. Possibly a draft that documents any impacts on any existing
> > >         protocols (routing protocols, TCP, etc.)
> > 
> > Unicast RPF is capable of killing anycast with source addresses quite
> > effectively.
> Not sure I follow you.  The anycast addresses are in the destination
> address field.

You mentioned a host-to-router notification protocol, so we're discussing 
what would be different if anycast requirements are changed (not as a 
source address, not on a host).

Anycast addresses as source addresses (if allowed) have some amount of 

Pekka Savola                 "Tell me of difficulties surmounted,
Netcore Oy                   not those you stumble over and fall"
Systems. Networks. Security.  -- Robert Jordan: A Crown of Swords

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