I am ok with this and agree your text addresses it.  compaq servers ship standard with 
routing daemons for many reasons (e.g. clusters, gateways, proprietary stuff).

this is a no brainer for hosts.

we should revive your draft and push it harder with the working group again.
I know its a pain.


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 9:47 PM
> To: Bound, Jim
> Subject: Re: Anycast Addresses being used for Nodes not just Routers 
> >What do we think we need to do to get the requirement that only
> >Routers can have anycast addresses changed to "nodes".
>       see section 3.1 of 
> draft-ietf-ipngwg-ipv6-anycast-analysis-00.txt.
>       - it is easy and possible without any protocol 
> development if you are
>         okay with running routing daemon on anycast hosts.
>       - if not, progress anycast listener discovery document. 
>  in this case
>         the issue is time to market (routers have to be upgraded to
>         support it).
>       (it's in IESG queue for more than 6 months, so i-d is 
> marked expired -
>       but i think it okay)
> itojun

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