Date:        Thu, 16 May 2002 17:28:41 +0900
    From:        Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Message-ID:  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  |     this is totally normal DNS relay server behavior.  they look at
  |     ID field of DNS packet, and relays response to the original querier.
  |     it just needs to handle scoped address properly.
  |     what is your question?

Of course, but that presumes a DNS server inside the site, which is
what I wanted to avoid presuming.   That is, you no longer have anything
close to a serverless setup in any way that it has been defined, you're
requiring a new server to be installed to act as this relay.

Or if you like, instead of being a DNS server that we're searching for,
make it be an NTP server instead.   NTP queries don't get relayed.   It
really ought to be achieved by the same general mechanisms, unless we can
find something so special about one of them that makes it different (eg:
finding routers is different, as we know the router must be on the local
link to be useful at all, hence RA packets are enough).


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