
Two points not made previously.

>thread.  Using well-known unicast addresses still moves knowledge of
>the server location into the routing system.  Using well-known anycast
>addresses still leaves the client unable to take any useful recovery
>action if the server location mechanism has returned answers that are
>not useful.

The reliance on the routing system for a host route IMHO isn't any 
different from having a host on a subnet.  The router had to be configured 
to advertise a route to the subnet.  It didn't happen automatically.  The 
only difference I see from a host route and a subnet route is the length of 
the prefix.  Reachability to all addresses is dependent on the routing 
system.  Note: I am not saying that host routes can be used for everything 
as they have clear scaling problems.  They are a very useful tool if used 

>Basicly, take all my ranting about service discovery via anycast
>address over the last few days, apply s/anycast/well-known unicast/g
>and almost all of it will still parse.  That being the case, I assume
>that you're no more interested in reading all that again than I am in
>sending it all again, so I won't.
>I am still fairly skeptical about the existance of a real need for the
>service provided by level 1 compliance, given its limitations (some of
>which I've commented on, some of which are commented on in the draft).
>Finally, I would urge folks to read RFC 1535 then go back and read
>section 3.2 of the draft.  Inferring DNS search paths from site names
>is dangerous.  It's not too bad if one takes reasonable precautions,
>but the draft would have to spell out those precautions (see the RFC).

I agree this needs be clarified.

> > Hope you enjoyed your coffee.
>The first cup of coffee recapitulates phylogeny.

I think I need more coffee :-)


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