Keith Moore wrote:

> the purpose of a standard is to describe what is necessary for interoperability
> and proper functioning of the protocol, not to legitimize existing 
> implementations.  so the installed base shouldn't dictate whether a feature
> is a MUST in a new version of a standard unless interoperability with the 
> installed base is important (it generally is) and imposing the MUST condition 
> on implementations that conform with the new version of the standard affects 
> interoperability with the installed base.

Agree with all of the above.

In this case, there are no interoperability problems. Since draft N-2
Mobile IPv6 has been able to work with IPv6 nodes that have *no* MIPv6
specific code.

Again, this is separate from what the IETF may mandate for IPv6 nodes
to support. To take a clearly unreasonable example, we could mandate
every node to support a 1,000,000 entry bindind cache. Even with
such a mandate a node conforming to this requirement would work
with a node that has never heard of MIPv6. So, interoperability and
must-implement are different in this particular case. I think that's
good because we can then decide more freely what to require from
all implementations.


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