> From: Margaret Wasserman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > > That's certainly an option.   The "new prefix causes several thousand
> > > nodes to all attempt DAD at the same time" argument is the one which
> > > makes me hesitant to simply support this without further investigation.
> If thousands of nodes are involved, the DAD optimization may not be 
> enough to fix this problem. 

Umm? DAD optimization definitely removes the quoted problem. When
optimized, DAD is only done on the link local address when a node is
attached (or booted) to the network.

> Instead, we might need some sort of random delay on the creation of 
> addresses when a new prefix is received.

The random delay is already specified for DAD in the boot/attach

The delay is less suitable for DAD's done on RA. In optimized
environment, addresses are useable immediately after RA. With
non-optimized and delayed DAD, we would have undetermined gap after
RA, when an address retrieved from DNS might not work. I would like my
network to be as deterministic as possible, avoid randomness when not
absolutely necessary.

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