Margaret Wasserman wrote:
>> Good catch Margaret.  I should have noticed that the example given
>> actually violates the scoped addressing architecture doc.  The
>> forwarding logic is still correct, but you can only have, at most,
>> one zone id per scope per interface.  Otherwise you would have
>> overlapping scope zones.
> Are you sure?
> I originally began an answer to Robert's third example with something
> like "this is an invalid configuration".  However, I realized that I
> was mistaken.

If the rule stands that an interface can have no more than one
zone id per scope, then it is invalid if we expect a subnet-local
zone id to automatically appear when a prefix is configured on
an interface.

So, going back to Robert's example:

        A --------- B --------- C

     - A-B is prefix1::/64 and prefix3::/64
     - B-C is prefix2::/64 and  prefix3::/64
     - (prefix1 != prefix2, prefix1 != prefix3, prefix2 != prefix3)

As long as B has one subnet-local scope zone id per interface,
the forwarding logic I described will work.

You could make it work with multiple zone ids on an interface,
but the logic would require a complicated RPF check on the
source address in order to determine which zone id to use in
the forwarding decision.  I don't think I want to go there.

> Assuming that router B has support for multi-link subnets, Robert's
> example is a valid configuration showing a subnet-local zone
> that encompasses two links.

It is valid from the base architecture.  It is valid from the
scoping architecture if there is no more than one subnet-local
scope zone id.

> There is no requirement that all hosts within a given zone need
> to configure addresses from (all of) the unicast prefix(es)
> within that zone, or that all routers need to advertise the same
> unicast prefixes on all interfaces within a given zone.  Is there?

Not that I know of.

> The real question is this:
> By default, if a router is configured to advertise the same prefix
> on two interfaces, should the router assume that the two interfaces
> are in the same subnet-local zone?  Should the router assume that
> the two interfaces are on the same link (i.e. in the same link-local
> zone)?

The more I think about it, the more I realize that "automagically"
creating the subnet-local scope zone id isn't going to work.
Especially with multiple prefixes per interface.

> These are questions that need to be answered in the scoped address
> architecture.

I think the addressing architecture needs to address the comment
on automatically creating the subnet-local zone id.

> I think it would be a reasonable default for a router that is
> configured with the same prefix on two interfaces to assume that
> those interfaces are on the same link (same link-local zone), and
> in the same subnet-local zone.

But if they aren't on the same link, forwarding could break.

> In other words, I think that routers should default to the
> single-link subnet case, unless mutli-link subnetting has been
> explicitly configured.

This is slightly different than assuming that the interfaces are
on the same link.  If the router treats them as unique prefixes,
then forwarding and routing should work.


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