Tony Hain wrote:
Mark Smith wrote:

On a related topic, if I was to stuff up my site local filters at the edge of my site, would my network then become part of my ISPs site local network ?

You would both have to make an error to get the two IGPs tied together.

In the proposed site-local models, are sites adjacent, or are they separated by segments that only have a global address assignments (eg the BGP AS model vs the OSPF area model) ?

I remember this discussion a few months back, but I don't remember the
conclusion. Maybe Ole does.
The following is a proposal that was discussed amongst the
scoped addr arch authors and the ADs.  This model would address
the issue of having adjacent sites quite nicely.

                           --             --
                        --|  |-----------|  |--
                           --             --

                <--site 1--> <-dummy site-> <-- site 2 -->


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