> when a site renumbers the routers are going to have to be updated 
> anyway.  of course we need a solution for this problem.  but 
> having site locals won't change the need to reconfigure 
> routers when renumbering.

You haven't contested my point that the security based on site-locals
will not be comprised when a site renumbers, whereas security based on
the filtering of a global prefix is vulnerable to mishap during
renumbering. So I take it you agree that site-locals do offer an
advantage here?

> > Second, there is "defense in depth" of the site-local 
> prefix. Suppose 
> > an administrator does screwup the configuration of a 
> boundary router. 
> > In practice there will be additional site boundaries between an 
> > attacker and the misconfigured router.
> the same kind of defense in depth is possible (and quite reasonable) 
> with prefix filtering - and it's more flexible since it 
> doesn't require 
> the same prefix length to be filtered at each router.

I don't understand this. In your proposal, every site will be filtering
a different global prefix. Routers in the internet backbone will not be
filtering any global prefix. Where is the comparable defense in the


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