"Michel Py" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

|I support the idea that a _subnet_ should not have both site-local and
|global addresses, not a site. Please also read what I posted earlier
|concerning deprecation.

Could you clarify this position?

Let's say I have an Ethernet segment with 20 workstations and 5 printers.
I determine that two of the workstations need access to the Internet so I
rent 2 global addresses from my ISP.  Are you saying that at this point
for all the workstations to continue using the printers I have to either:

1. Rent an additional 23 global addresses from my ISP making the entire
subnet global -or-

2. Interpose a router between the 2 globally connected workstations and the
remaining 18 workstations plus 5 printers, forcing the 2 globally connected
workstations to use their global addresses to talk to site-locals on the
printers (thus making such connections depend on the ISP).  In order to change
which workstations have global access I would have to move them between subnets.

Or are you saying that site-local and global addresses should not appear
in packets on the same subnet at all (rather than as addresses of a single
machine on a subnet) in which case only #1 would work?

|> In this situation, why/how would "Router B" ever route any
|> packets? The control device(s) will only have site-local
|> addresses, so they can't send packets that will be routed
|> by "Router B", nor can any systems to left of Router B
|> (outside the site?) send packets to the control devices...

I believe Margaret is implying a restriction here that connections cannot be
made between a site-local address and a global address.  That would invalidate
solution #2 above.

I think that a number of constraints on site-local addresses are being bandied
about without much thought as to their impact.  Any one of these constraints
probably makes site-locals useless for the purposes originally promised.  Given
subject of these messages I suppose that could be the idea, but it's going to
cause a lot of confusion...

                                Dan Lanciani
IETF IPng Working Group Mailing List
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Direct all administrative requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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