
Any idea what host stacks have IPsec implemented today?  I'd like to do a bit of 



At 10:28 AM 10/23/2002 -0400, Bound, Jim wrote:
>Read the IPsec arch spec and other specs.  IPsec is a MUST according to us in the 
>IETF for ANY IPv6 implementation.
>As an implementor I would not implement any IPv6 incantation with IPv6 because I 
>believe to not implement all MUSTs in a spec is not wise.
>Now if at indusrtry implementation forums or bake-offs implementors find the spec 
>don't work they stop and come tell the IETF.  For IPsec that is not the case it does 
>work.  Clearly PKI to IKE interface is a problem for vendors as that usually requires 
>melding a 3rd party key mgmt infrastructure to your implementation.  But that is not 
>the IETFs problem per se (though they do need to hear the technical issues).
>This does not mean an implementor cannot use alternative methods to secure devices 
>but to be compliant with the IETF IPsec architecture any implementation MUST do it.
>Users may or may not use our recommendations that is up to the market we have no 
>control over that in the market.  I personally support them adopting IPv6 as one 
>critical method for securing IP layer communications.  But it is not the only one 
>that they need.
>This is my view and you should get others views too.  That is how I read the specs.
>-----Original Message----- 
>From: Mohammad Feroz [mailto:feroz@;tataelxsi.co.in] 
>Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 6:38 AM 
>To: Bound, Jim; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Subject: Re: IPSec Implementaion.
>Thank you for the clarification. I would even like to know whether IPSec is mandatory 
>to implement for Handheld devices. 
>Thanks & Best Regards, 
>- Feroz 
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: <mailto:Jim.Bound@;hp.com>Bound, Jim 
>To: <mailto:feroz@;tataelxsi.co.in>Mohammad Feroz ; 
><mailto:ipng@;sunroof.eng.sun.com>[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 7:51 AM 
>Subject: RE: IPSec Implementaion.
>IPsec is yes and the architecture. 
>-----Original Message----- 
>From: Mohammad Feroz [mailto:feroz@;tataelxsi.co.in] 
>Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 8:05 AM 
>To: <mailto:ipng@;sunroof.eng.sun.com>[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Subject: IPSec Implementaion.
>Hello ! 
>Is it mandatory to implement Security Architecture for IPv6 for HOSTS? 
>Thanks & Best Regards, 
>- Feroz 
>Mohammed Feroz, 
>Networking & Communication Group, 
>Design & Development Centre, 
>TATA Elxsi Limited, Bangalore 
>Phone: +91-80-8410222 
>Fax: +91-80-8410219 

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