I support this change and the new text.


> At 01:53 PM 11/12/2002 +0100, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
> >Unfortunately it's too late to catch the addressing architecture
> >document unless we recall it from the RFC Editor and cycle it
> >through the IESG again. But I propose that we do exactly that,
> >in order to change the following paragraph in section 2.5.6:
> >
> >Current text:
> >
> > >    Site-local addresses are designed to be used for addressing inside of
> > >    a site without the need for a global prefix.  Although a subnet ID
> > >    may be up to 54-bits long, it is expected that globally-connected
> > >    sites will use the same subnet IDs for site-local and global
> > >    prefixes.
> >
> >Proposed new text:
> >
> >    Site-local addresses are designed to be used for addressing inside of
> >    a site which is not connected to the Internet and therefore does not
> >    need a global prefix.  They must not be used for a site that is connected
> >    to the Internet. Using site-local addresses, a subnet ID may be up to
> >    54-bits long, but it is recommended to use at most 16-bit subnet IDs,
> >    for convenience if the site is later connected to the Internet using a
> >    global prefix.
> >
> >Otherwise, we will need a whole new RFC just for this paragraph.
> >
> >Alternatively, we could spend the next 5 years discussing the
> >unnecessary complexities of using site-locals on connected sites.
> >
> >   Brian
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> IETF IPng Working Group Mailing List
> IPng Home Page:                      http://playground.sun.com/ipng
> FTP archive:                      ftp://playground.sun.com/pub/ipng
> Direct all administrative requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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IPng Home Page:                      http://playground.sun.com/ipng
FTP archive:                      ftp://playground.sun.com/pub/ipng
Direct all administrative requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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