Hello Pekka,

Pekka Savola wrote:

> I thought the "why" for no to flat-space end-site allocations by IANA was
> self-evident.

Well, it's not to me anyway!

> How do you do reverses in an automatic manner (that's about the most
> significant reason for totally unique, and that's by a long stretch)?

This wasn't stated as a requirement.  If it is a requirement,
then I believe I could design something, but until that is
made clear I'd rather not have to do that.

> What data would you require for an assignment?


> What do you do when everyone requests assignments?

Rate-limiting has to be part of the solution.
Thankfully, it's not very hard.

>                             What to do when someone sets up a fancy
> script which requests assignments at the pace of 1000 per second, just
> for fun?

If they keep doing it, then we ought to filter out extraneous

> "No infrastructure" is just so much better.

I agree, and I like the randomized solution, as long as
it meets the requirements.  

If not, then I offer a centralized allocation solution as
an alternative.

Charlie P.
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