On Wed, 27 Nov 2002, Keith Moore wrote:
> > Looking at this from your perspective:
> >  - I think GUPI, possibly routable, global-scope addresses might be ok, I
> > have lots and lots of reservations about them, but they're not for this
> > working group to try to cope with.
> >  - If we just stick to modifying site-locals somehow (and leave the PI
> > global scopes out of the problem statement), I would definitely push for
> > "nearly unique" site-locals
> I think this WG needs to define GUPIs - because that seems like the best
> way to take the pressure off of SLs to be misused.  however I don't think
> we should try to make them globally routable, at least not now.

I don't really agree that this is what we should be doing.

I think:
 - if we specify global-scope GUPI's they will also be used when regular
global-scope addresses would be better (and we should encourage PA
addresses, because they actually _work_); ie. they will cause trouble and
may eventually result in prefix/address translation (NAT-like) problems.
 - if we instead specify site-local, near-unique addresses, folks still 
treat them as site-locals; they are used less than GUPI's would be, in 
site-local contexts only.  Near-uniqueness removes the problems with 
ambiguity of site-locals.
 - I think it's better to deal with reality (provider assigned addresses) 
than try to escape it (provider independent addresses), even though how 
enticing it could be...

Following my thinking, site-locals could of course be used as an aid for 
e.g. renumbering or intermittently connected sites, but that should be 
better than having delusions that using global-scope addresses there would 
somehow make such addresses "global" or "globally usable".

I hope this clarifies my reasoning?

> once we do that, I don't know that nearly unique SLs is such a big deal,
> but I wouldn't object to them.

.. But I agree if we _do_ specify these global-scope GUPI's, adding
uniqueness to site-locals seems like a useless effort.

Pekka Savola                 "Tell me of difficulties surmounted,
Netcore Oy                   not those you stumble over and fall"
Systems. Networks. Security.  -- Robert Jordan: A Crown of Swords

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