Hi Bob,

A few thoughts / questions / comments on your draft :

3.0 Proposal & 3.1 Global Token

* 8 bit areas 

I'm curious as to why you chose to allocate 8 bits for the area.

Allocating 6 bits for area would allow aggregation to take place on the
/16 bit boundary. I think this would make it a easier for network admins
to manage their site-local area prefixes when bounded at /16.

I was going to suggest putting back the u and g bits, which would make
connecting to the origin router for this prefix easier (just telnet to
fec0 + EUI-64 + EUI-64), but then realised that your site local global
token is generated from an EUI-48 :-(

I think there probably is some value in keeping the full EUI-48 as the
global token for trouble shooting reasons, at the sacrifice of 2 area

3.2 Assignment

* maybe be a bit more explicit about how manual configuration is

I agree with and understand the motivation for manual assignment of
these prefixes.

However, the whole proposal has a strong "auto-configuration" theme -
deriving site-local addresses from EUI-48s sounds a lot like something
that would be done automatically by default.

Would a typical implementation of this manual assignment be a toggle
switch / [on / off] configuration option within a router ?

If so, additional text suggesting that these prefixes will be
automatically generated, but manually enabled / disabled (defaulted to 
disabled) might help overcome the "auto-configuration" theme of the
generation of these prefixes.

* the term "area" might be a bit vague, in the sense that usually people
talk about "areas", they are referring to OSPF areas.

I found when I initially read this term, I immediately wondered whether
this field has some use or value wrt OSPF.

A different name for this field might be a bit less confusing.

- I don't feel that strongly on this, I think it is just that "area" is
in such common usage in the OSPF context (and to my knowledge, no where
is in IP routing / addressing), most people would immediately associate
any usage of the term "area" in an RFC with OSPF.


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