Kurt Erik Lindqvist wrote:

> > Ok, if I understand this from a hardware (not application) point of 
> > view  a company like IBM (or any other large company with multiple 
> > sites) will be required to pay an upstream provider for (private)
> > local IP addresses for
> > their printers. Think about it, at the hardware side of this we are
> > encouraging them to keep using IPv4 for those items that will not be
> > connected to the public internet.

A company like IBM is big enough to have their own global
infrastructure and can also get a TLA as they are an ISP
for theirselves most probably. Same goes for companies like
Microsoft, Apple or non-computer related: Shell for instance.

> You pay your provider per traffic volume or bandwidth. Not per IP 
> address. At least non I know of. They will give you as much addresses 
> you need.

Welll... in IPv6 I do see that coming, fortunatly, as otherwise
the complete IPv6 bet for e2e would be futile.

In the IPv4 world you actually do pay extra for IP addresses at
least as en end-user (home etc :).

Fortunatly I do have IPv6 which makes the boxes globaly reachable :)


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