Eliot Lear wrote:
> >>...
> >>Access control is also useful, and a simple form of access
> >>control will be needed in IPv6.  However, site-local 
> >>addresses are a poor form of access control for two reasons:
> >>
> >>    - Site-local boundaries need to be at routing area
> >>            or AS boundaries (not convenient).
> > 
> > 
> > This is bogus nonsense.
> Your answer does not really deserve a response.  You're guilty of the 
> very thing you accuse Margaret of.  I'm curious as to how you 
> would draw 
> the boundaries.

Is it really necessary to point out that aligning a site-local boundary
with an existing routing boundary (AS or Area) that the network manager
has established is *extremely* convenient? Those boundaries exists for
operational reasons of filtering routing information. SL is about a
well-known prefix for routing filters, ergo aligning SL with an area or
AS border is the natural thing to do. Claiming otherwise only serves to
distribute FUD.


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