Christian Huitema writes:
 > > The few self-described apps people I've seen take
 > > a stand have to my recollection been strongly
 > > against dealing with locally scoped addresses .
 > Let's be clear. Our group (Windows Networking) has received a lot
of feedback from developers of applications on the Windows
platform. The negative developers' feedback was mostly centered on the
difficulty of identifying the scope of an address, specially when a
node is connected to several sites (e.g. home network and VPN to the
corporate network), or when a node moves from site to site.

  Which is to say, topology information which it didn't
  have to consider in the past and for which it has little
  information at its disposal from which to make decisions.

  Do you mean to imply that their negative feedback is
  overblown? Because requiring hosts to be topology aware
  seems like Pandora's box to me, and they have good reason
  to be uneasy about where this is leading.

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