Andrew White wrote:
> ...
> > I would like to point out again, that as per my suggestion, 
> nodes MUST 
> > NOT send, receive or forward traffic in which the source and 
> > destination addresses are not of the same scope.
> I think this is unnecessarily stringent.  Certainly nodes 
> should prefer not to send packets with non-matching 'scopes' 
> (see "default address selection"), but I don't see it as an 
> error condition to do so.

In the past I agreed with you, but lately I have been more convinced that it
is a logical error. There is nothing that will prevent someone from doing
this if local policy says to allow it, but I think the default policy should
be that local/global mismatches are disallowed. This would make it simpler
to set up a condition where the policy is 'file mount is only bound to
local', node X only has a global address, therefore X is not allowed to
export a file system. 


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