> The solution that will work for now is make a statement in the
> IETF and in industry IPv6 implementation documentation that
> link-local addresses SHOULD not be used as an IPv6 address
> type by applications.  That link-local addresses SHOULD not be
> included in the DNS.  That link-local adddresses SHOULD be
> restricted to IETF protocols on Hosts to perform Neighbor
> Discovery, Stateless Address Configuration, DHCPv6, or other
> operation protocols to bring a Host up on a network.  The bottom
> line is link-local address are not usable for applications.
> Would like to hear what my colleagues in IETF IPv6 WG think
> about this issue?

The emails on this subject have been a revelation. I too think that we should
have a statement from the IETF about the pitfalls of using LL's by
applications. Is anyone working on such a statement? If not, I can volunteer
to be an editor...but beware I will need a lot of support from this group. :-)


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