Keith Moore wrote:
> > > But it has turned into another absurd avoidance of basic
> > > principles because folks have their heals dug in on for 
> some reason.
> > 
> > Look carefully before you speak. From another perspective, 
> those who 
> > are insisting that IPv6 not be capable of anything more than the 
> > limitations of IPv4 are the ones with their heals dug in.
> nobody is insisting on this. 

'I strongly disagree that this practice adds value to IPv6.', as a response
to a vendor that was describing where they find value in general app use of
LL is being obstructionist. 

> what some people are insisting 
> on is that IPv6 support *their* favorite capability, and 
> sometimes it's hard to tell whether they care if this 
> insistence harms other valuable capabilities.

Not to speak for Josh, but I suspect his favorite capability is delivering a
product that a customer is willing to pay for, and it doesn't cost him an
arm-and-a-leg in continuing support. There is no harm to other capabilities
that I can see. Just to the mistaken perception that the world is a single
flat routing space ...


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