Bound, Jim wrote:
> The fact is that the WG believes this is important 
> discussion.  

It is an important discussion. There is a very critical architectural point
here, and it is being glossed over by 'the sky is falling' claims that apps
might fail, or have to do some work.

The architectural point is that IPv6 nodes support simultaneous use of
multiple dynamically acquired addresses per interface. This is a distinct
value over the capabilities of IPv4, as many failure modes arise from the
inflexibility of a single address at a time. 

The reality of the network is that different nodes will have different
perspectives of reachability for any given address. Some consider this
dysfunctional, others consider it a feature. In any case, as long as we
provide  a flag to indicate when there is a reachability discrepancy
(intentional or an artifact of network dynamics), there is an opportunity to
prioritize the list to achieve the app goals. 

> Whether Mr. Hain likes it or not.

There are arguments that apps should not ever be aware of topology. I
completely agree. Whether you like it or not, the current attachment point
of the end systems is topology information. If the apps require input of, or
choose to reach down and grab the attachment topology information to pass to
a peer, they have violated the premise that they don't know anything about
topology. This is not a function of my likes or dislikes, it is a simple
matter of technical fact. 


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