> > >>Folks - do we have consensus to accept this document as an IPv6 wg 
> > >>item (see below)?
> > >
> > >what does it mean to do this?
> As with all working group documents, it means that the resulting text will
> be something the working group has reached concensus on as worth
> publication. It does not mean that the existing text will be published as an
> RFC under the IPv6 WG name, but that it moves from being personal drafts
> where some might not be paying attention, to a draft-ipv6 name. 

in that case, I don't think we should accept this as a WG document -
at least, not at this time.

I do accept it as valuable input, though not all input to a WG should be
published as an RFC.  Sometimes we publish valuable input for the historical
record, and that's a good thing to do as long as it's properly labelled.  The
time to decide on publication for that reason should be after the group has
reached consensus on technical mechanisms.
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