At 09:26 AM 8/22/2003 -0700, Tony Hain wrote:
Ralph Droms wrote:
> Tony - (assuming "they" == IPv6LL) can you explain why IPv6LL
> will work while "they don't work in IPv4"?  My experience
> with IPv4LL has been uniformly bad; I've never intentionally
> used an IPv4LL address and the automatic assignment of an
> IPv4LL address has on several (many?) occasions silently
> interfered with my ability to assign a non-LL address and use
> greater internet connectivity. I will admit ignorance and am
> happy to hear success stories about IPv4LL.

Not having been there when your interference issues occurred, I can only
guess that they were related to the default IPv4 perspective that an
interface only has one dynamic address at a time. In that environment it
takes explicit effort (user initiated or stack timer) to change the
available address. There is no such restriction in an IPv6 environment, so
the existence of an IPv6 LL can't interfere with global connectivity. In
fact it is much more likely that intermittent global access (such as
changing radio attachment points) would interfere with the stablility of an
app that is running locally.

Certainly some of my problems with IPv4LL have resulted, as you suggest, from the restriction that an interface have just one dynamic IPv4 address at a time. I think there's more to the problem - my experience has been that the IPv4LL address is configured *silently*, so I have no expectation that the interface is configured in an unexpected way and that, because of that configuration, none of my applications will work.

Perhaps the "configured silently" problem is a UI issue?  I'd also like, as
a UI issue I guess, the ability to turn off the configuration of IPv4LL
addresses.  Personally, I don't have any convenient way to use an IPv4LL
address, and I'd rather not have any address configured at all than an
IPv4LL address.  (Note that I'm still talking about IPv4 here and not making
any predictions about the availability of applications that can use IPv6LL

So, will this problem be solved in IPv6LL addressing?  Will I either get
some indication from the stack that "no global addresses are configured" or
will applications work as usual within the constraints of the network
resources that can be reached on the LL?

In any event, I should be a little more precise when I say "applications
can't use LL addresses". What I mean here is that the applications won't
work in the way I expect.  That is, I can't use DNS to identify hosts the
application should communicate with, so I have to use an out of band
(shout-down-the-hall?) protocol to ask "What's the address of your host" so
I have an IP address to give to the application.  I don't see where IPv6LL
addressing works any differently in this regard than IPv4LL addressing, so I
don't see how applications will work any better with IPv6LL addresses.

> I don't know that some folks "don't want to make the scenario
> work".

Just to be clear - I think I'm in the "I'd like to know how the scenario will work" camp and am trying to tease out all the pieces that have to be in place so that it can work. I don't think IPv6LL addresses taken alone are the whole story (based on my experience with IPv4LL addresses)...

 I don't understand the advantage to IPv6LL from the
> scenario you described. We can assign IPv4LL addresses today
> in a one-link, no router ad-hoc network.  But we have to
> enter the addresses manually and those addresses get in the
> way when full Internet connectivity becomes available.
> What's different with IPv6LL?

There is no 'get in the way' limitation. Simultaneous support for multiple
dynamically acquired addresses is a major advantage of IPv6, as it enables
scenarios that are simply not possible in the IPv4 model of a single address
at a time. What this bumps into here is the fallacious assumption by some
app developers that the routing space is globally flat, so if by chance
there is more than one address, every available address can be treated
equally. This is not a real problem in the market when only their apps fail,
but it is a real problem when they try to prevent other app developers from
taking advantage of the opportunities through limitations in the standards.

I may have misunderstood your part of your original message, in which you wrote:

So you are going to tell the army private that is ducking the barrage of
gunfire that he can get the critical info he needs from the marine he just
bumped into, if he only types these (what to him are pseudo-random) 32 hex
characters for both the src & dst.

Are you describing configuring the interface, configuring the src and dst in a specific datagram or specifying addresses to an application?

- Ralph

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