On Friday 22 August 2003 05:40, Keith Moore wrote:
> > > But then again, I don't think that most apps need to do
> > > anything to discourage their use with link-local addresses.
> >
> > I agree.  I am not worried about that if they are not in DNS. I am
> > worried about the case below.
> What about apps that need to pass their hosts' addresses to their peers?
> Where do they get those addresses in the first place?  For a variety of
> reasons, DNS isn't a reliable way to find your own addresses. So you get
> them from the interfaces.  Right now the obvious thing to do is to skip
> over any LL addresses that are assigned to your interfaces, in order to
> avoid giving LL addresses to your peers, but this only works if all
> participating hosts have routable addresses.  If we start expecing apps to
> use LL addresses, all bets are off, and we are back to a NAT-like
> situtation where multiparty apps have to implement their own proxies,
> routing, and perhaps even addressing in order to function.
> And what happens when vendors start shipping support for LLMNR?  Will
> getaddrinfo() (or other API used for DNS lookup) suddenly start doing LLMNR
> queries if it thinks that DNS is unreachable?  Will apps that were formerly
> using getaddrinfo to do DNS queries then get exposed to LL addresses even
> though they don't work properly with those apps?

One solution may be to have a configurable switch for the behavior of existing 
APIs (getaddrinfo...), like the existing nsswitch.conf ?


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