A definition of randomness is a definition of a humanity.

Indeed, the matter is strongly related with theoretical proof of evolution
of human intelligence. It is evolved from "gambling" to "investment or
speculation".The matter is an ability of foreseeing.

In order to define "randomness", let's consider the difference of investment,
speculation and gambling.

What is investment?
Everyone can do investment. It can be automatically done according to
some kinds of cost accounting theorem. CVP analysis are useful.
Break even point can be automatically calculated.

What is speculation?
Speculation can be done by specific people. It will create "randomness"
in our economiy. It can be explained by a kind of mathematical theorem
of the "dirrerences of estimations of people". Speculation of human being
is the origin of "randomness".

What is gambling?
Gambling can be done by even monkeys.
With gambling, people, dolphins and monkeys could share fun.
That's kind of my hypothesis about evolution of intelligence.
It is beneficial to plain "public gambling spaces" with people, dolphins
and monkeys. We can communicate each other through gambling.

The "jongengine" which is a kind of lab. http://www.jongengine.net/
The concept of GPL looks like a kind of socialism or communism,
However if they respect to "invent" not "inventory", they may be
a kind of democrats.

This was originally planned by MEEEEEEEEEEEEE  as a kind of
Volunteer, when I was an emplyee of Hewlett-Packard. At that time,
the CEO of HP was Mrs.Carly Fiorina. At that time, I recommend
local managers  the fundamental concept of unconditional obeying  to
"idea of genious" rather than implicit habits or culture or a kind of religion.

However many Japanese sales representatives and IT engineer couldn't
understand the fundamental theorem of "evolution of intelligenc.
Everybody couldn't emotionally recognize "genious" because everyone
didn't  know how to define a humanity.

After that, I resigned from HP, and joined Sony Corporation.
However, many IT engineers of sony were also. Nowadays, I resigned
from Sony Corporation too.

Japanese IT consultants or sales representatives should be fired, I think.
They don't have "thought", so they can't promote the evolution of


Without a proof or defitnion of "randomness", why can so many
Japanese IT engineers proceed works?

Basically, Japanese IT engineers should obey "idea of genious" rather
than implicit habits or culture or a kind of religion.

If Japanese IT engineers adopted the imported technology to the life of
Japanese citizens directly, it could be called as a kind of criminal.
Do you recognize that?

The method to realize "randomness" is the method to generate
unpredictable series that is difficult to be found out characteristics
or trends.  The mathematical proof have not been provided yet.

A definition of randomness is a definition of a humanity.


Hi all,

I've posted new revision of draft-kanno-ipsecme-camellia-xcbc.

I summarize modifications.

1. Added TVs.

Comments about our document would be welcome.

We plan to make this draft to next step 'Publication Request' within two

new version of I-D, draft-kanno-ipsecme-camellia-xcbc-01.txt has been
successfuly submitted by Akihiro Kato and posted to the IETF repository.

Filename: draft-kanno-ipsecme-camellia-xcbc
Revision: 01
Title: The Camellia-XCBC-96 and Camellia-XCBC-PRF-128 Algorithms and Its
Use with IPsec
Creation_date: 2009-09-09
WG ID: Independent Submission
Number_of_pages: 11

This memo specifies two new algorithms.  One is the usage of XCBC
mode with Camellia block cipher on the authentication mechanism of
the IPsec Encapsulating Security Payload and Authentication Header
protocols.  This algorithm is called Camellia-XCBC-96.  Latter is
pseudo-random function based on XCBC with Camellia block cipher for
Internet Key Exchange.  This algorithm is called Camellia-XCBC-PRF-

The IETF Secretariat.


- KATO Akihiro
+ NTT Software Corporation
akato (at) po (dot) ntts (d0t) co (dot) jp move to
kato (d0t) akihiro (at) po (dot) ntts (d0t) co (dot) jp
at July 1,2009

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