> At 6:34 PM +0300 4/12/10, Yaron Sheffer wrote:
> >there was some off-line discussion on whether the mutual-EAP auth
> draft
> >should explicitly list the EAP methods that work, securely, with this
> >extension. I now tend to say no, and to remove this list (and IANA
> >registry) from the next document rev.
> The list is not just "methods we like" but also "methods that are known
> to have the properties that are required to be safe here, because some
> other methods don't have those properties".
> A different proposal would be to leave the list in as "the authors
> think that these methods (and likely others) should be considered as
> safe", but not to have the IANA registry, letting developers pick what
> to include (including known-unsafe ones).

Or, just list the required "properties", and name some methods as examples.


> --Paul Hoffman, Director
> --VPN Consortium
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