On 11/08/2011 11:02 AM, Michael Richardson wrote:
"Geoffrey" == Geoffrey Huang<ghu...@juniper.net>  writes:
     Geoffrey>  Is there a mechanism in DNS to communicate this kind of
     Geoffrey>  policy?  As I understand the example below, the
     Geoffrey>  communication from hub-gw to spoke32 would be something
     Geoffrey>  like: "to get to, go to spoke79."

I was being a bit sarcastic with the NuTSS reference yesterday
but this looks an awful lot like a telephony routing problem.
There's been work done on both routing (see, for example,
RFC 3219, which appears to have tanked in the marketplace but
may or may not be relevant) and on rendezvous protocols (lots
of stuff in p2p-land, some work on SIP, etc.).

That is to say, there's some prior art on the routing/discovery
side that may be relevant.

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