Hi all

This is to announce a side meeting about peer to peer VPN, as described in our 
recently published draft: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-nir-ipsecme-p2p-00

In the meeting we will discuss the use case of directly connecting two IKE 
implementations that already have a path of trust between them, for example 
turning star topologies into meshes. The introduction of strangers (AKA 
"opportunistic encryption") is explicitly out of scope for this meeting.

Where:           TICC building, room 101-D
When:            Wednesday, 16-Nov, at 20:00 (8:00 PM) local time
Jabber:          xmpp:ipse...@jabber.ietf.org?join
Streaming audio: http://ietf82streaming.dnsalias.net/ietf/ietf824.m3u

Tentative Agenda:
 - A 20-minute presentation about the draft
 - 3-5 really short presentations about existing proprietary (or not) solutions
 - Open discussion on the problem (which will inevitably get into solutions)
 - Next Steps (this is when we ask the "who will edit/contribute/review")

the streaming audio may or may not work. They don't switch off the audio after 
hours, but you won't get support from the NOC team either.
If that fails, we'll try to make do with Skype ( 
http://portal.campaigncc.org/SkypeConferencing ), but that is at best a 
best-effort solution.


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