On Oct 22, 2012, at 4:55 PM, David McGrew (mcgrew) <mcg...@cisco.com> wrote:

> One thing that deserves to be on the agenda is a discussion of the need to
> update the ESP and AH crypto requirements, which have not been updated
> since 2007, and to provide guidance on how to use ESP and AH to achieve
> security goals.   I have a draft proposing what that could look like,
> draft-mcgrew-ipsec-me-esp-ah-reqts-00.   This is off-charter, but I
> believe that it is something that many people would agree is worth doing.

You may be overstating that "many people" agree that it is worth doing, but it 
is certainly worth discussing.

> Of course, comments on the detailed requirements are welcome as well.

Your listing of TripleDES as "SHOULD NOT" without any cryptographic 
justification might raise some eyebrows.

--Paul Hoffman
IPsec mailing list

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