Hi Scott,

> Sigh, immediately after sending this, I remembered that even characteristic 
> EC curves tend to have cofactors h>1, hence there is further checking 
> required for them.  Scratch what I said that the what I said for odd 
> characteristic EC curves applies to even as well -- that checking is 
> necessary, but it is not sufficient.

After having verified that the point (x,y) = P satisfies the curve equation and 
is not the point at infinity O, checking
n*P = O is sufficient. If the cofactor h is 1 then this last check is not even 
necessary. The validation algorithm is
defined in detail in SEC1, Section This reference should be used for 
the validation requirements.

Checking n*P = O is costly, but fortunately, all NIST and Brainpool curves have 
cofactor 1 making this check uneccesary.

BTW: The check n*P = O can be omitted even for non-trivial cofactor, if h*P is 
used as public DH key instead of P, i.e.
if the Elliptic Curve Cofactor Diffie-Hellman Primitive described in Section 
3.3.2 of SEC1 is used.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: ipsec-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:ipsec-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of 
> Scott Fluhrer (sfluhrer)
> Sent: Monday, December 03, 2012 9:28 AM
> To: Yaron Sheffer
> Cc: Johannes Merkle; Manfred Lochter; Yoav Nir; Dan Harkins; IPsecme WG; 
> rfc-...@rfc-editor.org; Sean P. Turner
> Subject: Re: [IPsec] I-D on Using the ECC Brainpool Curves for IKEv2 Key 
> Exchange
> As for http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5996#section-2.12, it's fine as far as 
> it goes, however (IMHO) it rather punts on what self-checks are actually 
> needed.  It does refer to the Menezes and Ustaoglu paper, which is quite 
> good, however, it would be better if you spell out exactly what tests the 
> implementer would need to run for each IKE group.  An implementation might 
> have problems determining from the paper what is appropriate; for example, 
> groups 22-24 would be considered "DSA groups" by the nomenclature of the 
> paper (see section 2.1); however nowhere in the IKE documents are they 
> actually labeled as such.
> Here is a quick run-down:
> - Standard MODP groups (1, 2, 5, 14-18): informational leakage from a small 
> group attack is minimal (see section 2.2 of the paper); hence, the only check 
> needed is a verification that the peer's public value r is in range (1 < r < 
> p-1)
> - MODP groups with small subgroups (22-24): there is some informational 
> leakage from a small subgroup attack (see section 2.1 of the paper); hence, 
> you need to check both that the peer's public value is in range (1 < r < p-1) 
> and that r**q = 1 mod p (where q is the size of the subgroup)
> - EC groups; there is some informational leakage possible (see section 2.3); 
> hence, you need to check that the peer's public value is valid; that is, it 
> is not the point-at-infinity, and that the x and y parameters from the peer's 
> public value satisfies the curve equation, that is, y**2 = x**3 + ax + b mod 
> p.  Note that even though the paper specifically targets odd characteristic 
> EC curves, their advice of checking the curve equation is equally applicable 
> to even characteristic curves as well. 
> Now, as for whether checking the peer's public value ought to be a 
> requirement, even if you aren't reusing private keys, I would still say that 
> it ought to be.  If we look at the ECDH point addition/doubling code, well, 
> they are designed to work correctly if you give them valid points (that is, 
> points that are actually on the curve).  If you just take bit patterns you 
> received in a packet from the peer, and just give them to the EC routines, 
> well, there's no inherent requirement what might happen if the values don't 
> happen to be valid.  If the implementation uses the standard textbook point 
> addition/doubling code, we can predict what will happen -- however, a 
> specific implementation might decide to do something different.  Because of 
> this (and because checking is so cheap -- we're talking maybe 1% of the cost 
> of the cost of doing the ECDH phase two), I would strongly urge anyone to do 
> this check.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ipsec-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:ipsec-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of 
> Yaron Sheffer
> Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2012 2:29 PM
> To: Scott Fluhrer (sfluhrer)
> Cc: Johannes Merkle; Manfred Lochter; Yoav Nir; Dan Harkins; IPsecme WG; 
> rfc-...@rfc-editor.org; Sean P. Turner
> Subject: Re: [IPsec] I-D on Using the ECC Brainpool Curves for IKEv2 Key 
> Exchange
> Hi Scott,
> OK, I see your point (no pun intended). Regarding ECDH secret reuse, can you 
> please review http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5996#section-2.12. That section 
> was supposed to cover the relevant security considerations. In fact I think 
> your attack is alluded to in the paper we reference from that section (see 
> Sec. 5, first paragraph).
> If this needs to become a MUST requirement for IKEv2 peers using ECDH, it 
> needs to be spelled out and not left as an exercise to the reader. 
> But we have to understand whether this is a general requirement, or it only 
> applies to peers that are reusing ECDH private keys for multiple IKE sessions.
> Thanks,
>       Yaron
> On 12/01/2012 08:44 PM, Scott Fluhrer (sfluhrer) wrote:
>> I would humbly disagree.  A peer might try to send us an invalid KE, with a 
>> bogus point that acts as if it were of small order with our implementation; 
>> let us call this bogus point P, and its small order n.  We would then 
>> generate sk's based on the point (e mod n)P (where e is the value of our 
>> ECDH secret); because n is small, that allows the attacker to recover the 
>> value (e mod n).
>> If we reuse the same ECDH secret for multiple exchanges (which is normally 
>> safe), this allows someone who controls some of the peers we talk to to 
>> recover the secret value for exchanges he does not control; this is not good.
>> Hence, we need to either mandate checking the point we receive, or forbid 
>> ECDH secret reuse.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Yaron Sheffer [mailto:yaronf.i...@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2012 5:32 AM
>> To: Scott Fluhrer (sfluhrer)
>> Cc: Yoav Nir; Johannes Merkle; IPsecme WG; Manfred Lochter; Sean P. 
>> Turner; Dan Harkins; rfc-...@rfc-editor.org
>> Subject: Re: [IPsec] I-D on Using the ECC Brainpool Curves for IKEv2 
>> Key Exchange
>> Actually, I think we have it wrong. There is no reason for a *valid* 
>> peer to send an incorrect KE. And IKEv2 already protects against a 
>> MITM doing such a thing. As we all know, the protocol assumes that 
>> messages
>> #3 and #4 can be observed by an attacker, and protects against malicious 
>> changes to any of the 4 messages, including the KE value.
>> In other words, I would say this is a QA-level test that MAY be performed by 
>> the sender. Not one that MUST be performed by the recipient.
>> By the way, there are related protocols that need this test for their 
>> security and do include it: SPSK, and my own RFC 6631 (IKEv2 with PACE).
>> See e.g. https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6631#section-3.4.
>> Thanks,
>>      Yaron
>> On 12/01/2012 12:00 AM, Scott Fluhrer (sfluhrer) wrote:
>>> With ECDH, there are two separate EC points that are output by the 
>>> algorithm:
>>> - There's the public value xG (where x is our secret); this is passed 
>>> in the KE payload
>>> - There's the shared secret value xyG (where x is our shared secret, and y 
>>> is the peer's secret); this is used in the key derivation function.
>>> What RFC5903 says is:
>>> - The public value xG will be expressed as explicit x, y coordinates.
>>> - The shared secret value xyG (that is, the value we give to the sk 
>>> generation function) will be only the x coordinate; the y coordinate will 
>>> not be used.
>>> Yes, this implies that doing point compression on the shared secret value 
>>> doesn't make much sense (as point compression discards all but one bit of y 
>>> -- the format that RFC5903 chooses already discards all the bits of y).  
>>> However, the argument about point compression was never about the shared 
>>> secret value; instead, it was about the repesentation that appeared in the 
>>> KE payload (that is, the one that is specified to have both the x and y 
>>> coordinates).
>>> As for Dan's question, it was about whether we should validate the public 
>>> value we get from the peer, well, the public value does have explicit x and 
>>> y coordinates, and so it makes sense to check them.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: ipsec-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:ipsec-boun...@ietf.org] On 
>>> Behalf Of Yoav Nir
>>> Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 4:39 PM
>>> To: Johannes Merkle
>>> Cc: IPsecme WG; Manfred Lochter; Sean P. Turner; Dan Harkins; 
>>> rfc-...@rfc-editor.org
>>> Subject: Re: [IPsec] I-D on Using the ECC Brainpool Curves for IKEv2 
>>> Key Exchange
>>> Hi Johannes,
>>> Dan't question made me realise something I hadn't noticed before.
>>> In section 2.3, the draft says:
>>>      For the encoding of the key exchange payload and the derivation of
>>>      the shared secret, the methods specified in [RFC5903] are adopted.
>>>      In an ECP key exchange in IKEv2, the Diffie-Hellman public value
>>>      passed in a KE payload consists of two components, x and y,
>>> However, according to RFC 5903:
>>>         The Diffie-Hellman shared secret value consists of the x value of
>>>         the Diffie-Hellman common value.
>>> In fact RFC 5903 replaced 4753 just to say that the encoding consists only 
>>> of x, not both x and y.
>>> This also relates to Dan't question. If the y value is missing, what is 
>>> there to verify?
>>> Yoav
>>> On Nov 30, 2012, at 7:57 PM, Dan Harkins <dhark...@lounge.org> wrote:
>>>>    Hi Johannes,
>>>> On Fri, November 30, 2012 4:11 am, Johannes Merkle wrote:
>>>>> We have submitted a new revision of the Internet Draft on Using the 
>>>>> ECC Brainpool Curves (defined in RFC 5639) for IKEv2 Key Exchange 
>>>>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-merkle-ikev2-ke-brainpool/
>>>>> Since there was considerable objection to the point compression 
>>>>> method in the WG, we have removed this option altogether and define 
>>>>> only the uncompressed KE payload format, which is in full 
>>>>> accordance with RFC 5903.
>>>>> Any feedback is welcome.
>>>>    I see that there is a requirement that an implementation MUST 
>>>> verify that the D-H common value is not the point-at-infinity. Do 
>>>> you think there should also be a requirement that an implementation 
>>>> MUST verify that the x- and y-coordinates received from a peer 
>>>> satisfy the equation of the negotiated curve (and abort the exchange if 
>>>> not)?
>>>>    regards,
>>>>    Dan.
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Johannes Merkle

Biometrie & Hoheitliche Dokumente
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