
I'm a bit uncomfortable with the requirement that IKE peer "MUST"
advertise NAT device port if it is reachable and "MUST NOT"
if it isn't. I think, that IKE Initiator in most cases cannot
reliably determine whether it is reachable or not. For example,
even if you manually configured port forwarding on your home
network border NAT box and then configured IKE to advertise this
port, that wouldn't imply that this port is actually reachable
as your ISP may have another NAT and, as CGN become more
common, number of those nested NAT's will increase.
Even STUN might not be a good solution - it is pretty expensive in terms of round trips, requires the presence of STUN server in the same network segment as IKE Responder, utilizes TLS and, most important, deals with UDP only (AFAIK).

So, I think that the requirement for IKE Initiator to advertise
its support for TCP and port it thinks it is reachable at
should be listed as "SHOULD" or even "MAY". Otherwise
it sounds like a paradox - protocol requires IKE to do
or not to do some action depending on condition that IKE in most cases is unable to determine.

Related issues.
- in description to TCP Port field in IKE_TCP_SUPPORTED Notification it is written that "If the sender is not subject to network address translation, the port SHOULD be 500." Again, IKE Initiator
   cannot reliably determine whether it is behind NAT or not.
   It becomes clear only after initial request completes and
   NAT_TRAVERSAL_*_IP are processed.
- as it is quite possible that the port advertised by IKE Initiator
in IKE_TCP_SUPPORTED Notification is actually not reachable, I think it is worth to mention, that if original Responder after IKE SA is established wants to make some request using TCP port advertised by
   original Initiator and this port appears to be not reachable,
this Responder MUST NOT tear down IKE SA but MUST instead fall back to UDP transport.

Valery Smyslov.

IPsec mailing list

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