On Sep 16, 2013, at 2:02 PM, Valery Smyslov <sva...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Yoav,
>> What I could not find anywhere in the RFC is how to match name in the ID 
>> payload to the certificate. In HTTPS we have a requirement that either the 
>> CN or the dNSName alternate name match the domain name in the URL. We don't 
>> have similar rules for IKE, do we?
> Yes, we do: RFC4945.

Thanks. I usually search for RFCs by the ipsec or ipsecme working groups, and I 
totally forgot about pki4ipsec.

>> So do you think it would be appropriate to mandate these matching rules in 
>> rfc5996bis, or should this be left to AD-VPN solutions. IOW, is such a 
>> standard rule needed for generic IKE/IPsec?
> It's definitely worth to mention these rules in RFC5996bis, or at least point 
> to the RFC4945.

Now that I've seen it, I don't think so. Not without updating it. See RFC 5996 
says in section 4:

   For an implementation to be called conforming to this specification,
   it MUST be possible to configure it to accept the following:

   o  Public Key Infrastructure using X.509 (PKIX) Certificates
      containing and signed by RSA keys of size 1024 or 2048 bits, where
      the ID passed is any of ID_KEY_ID, ID_FQDN, ID_RFC822_ADDR, or

Note the ID_KEY_ID. But RFC 4945 says this is section 3.1.7:

   The ID_KEY_ID type used to specify pre-shared keys and thus is out of

And in the table in section 3.1:

   ID type  | Support  | Correspond  | Cert     | SPD lookup
            | for send | PKIX Attrib | matching | rules
            |          |             |          |
   KEY_ID   | MUST NOT | n/a         | n/a      | n/a
            |          |             |          |

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