I also think that PMTU discovery isn't very useful for IKE.
That's why it is MAY.

That does not help implementors who still have to implement the MAY's.
if even you as a document author does not think it is veru usefil,
then I think it should just not be in the document.

Sorry, I wasn't very clear. By "isn't very useful" I meant that it is not useful
for the usual PMTU discovery goal in TCP - to find _maximum_ IP datagram
size that is not fragmented by IP level. In IKE its the goal is different -
to find _some_reasonable_ IP datagram size that is not fragmented by IP.

If we have the size that is guaranteed to not be fragmented,
no PMTU discovery will be needed. As far as I understand, for IPv6
it is 1280 bytes. But as far as I know, there's no such value for IPv4.
If we mandate (or recommend) using really small value e.g. 128 bytes,
than the perfomance will suffer badly, so it it not a good option.
I'm especially worring about network I'm not familiar with -
mobile networks or other constrained environments.
It would be great if some experts in such networks could clarify this.

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