On Oct 30, 2013, at 9:23 AM, Valery Smyslov <sva...@gmail.com>

> Hi Yoav,
>> Third version of this draft, now including Tero's comments.
> some comments on new version.
> First, some stuff seems to be left from previous version, which
> supposed that new IKE SPIs are sent in both directions:
> - third bullet in Section 2.2
> - figure 2 in Section 3

Right. Will fix.

> Then, there is a related issue with re-authentication.
> Your draft says, that re-authentication is done as part of a risk management
> policy. Usually it is a security gateway, that enforces such a policy.
> The problem is, that with EAP authentication, gateway cannot
> initiate re-authentication. The only thing it can do - delete existing
> IKE SA in hope, that client will reestablich it anew. And with
> this behaviour you draft becomes much less useful.
> I think, that it could be solved, if we define new notification,
> that could be optionally sent from gateway to client, informing him
> that gateway is going to delete IKE SA in some time
> interval (indicating that interval in the notification).
> If cafr is supported by client and he is willing to use it,
> client will start re-authentication before the end of
> the interval. If not - gateway will just delete IKE SA
> after the interval has ended.

Good idea!  :-)


Think I should mention that in the draft?


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