Hi Yoav

This is a subject I've spent way too much time thinking about and is close
to my heart. :-) I'm actually surprised a Bot hasn't been used to take
down a VPN service using the Auth attack that you describe, or not one
that I've heard of.

I'd like to add, for 1, if 6989 is employed then I was under the
impression this could become a serious issue as these check can be
resource intensive, also if a unique DH exchange per session this could
considerable increase the workload.

Great summary btw, I've included some comments inline GB>


On 05/10/2014 11:25, "Yoav Nir" <ynir.i...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Here are some thoughts about DoS and DDoS protection for an IKE daemon. I
>think this should be discussed before submitting any drafts, because the
>acceptance thread reflected that the problem we want to solve is DoS and
>DDoS, not just the lack of a puzzle mechanism.
>If we break down what a responder has to do during an initial exchange,
>there are four stages:
>1. When the Initial request arrives, the responder:
> - generates or re-uses a D-H private part.
> - generates a responder SPI
> - stores the private part and peer public part in a half-open SA
>2. When the Authentication request arrives, the responder:
> - derives the keys from the half-open SA ([1]).
> - decrypts the request.
>3. If the Authentication request decrypts properly:
> - validates the certificate chain (if present) in the auth request
>Yes, there's a stage 4 where the responder actually derives keys, but
>when talking about (D)DoS, we never get to this stage.
>Stage #1 is pretty light on CPU power, but requires some storage, and
>it's very light for the initiator as well. Stage #2 includes private-key
>operations, so it's much heavier CPU-wise. Stage #3 includes a public key
>operation, and possibly many of them.
>To attack such a server, an attacker can attempt to either exhaust memory
>or to exhaust CPU. Without any protection, the best avenue is to send
>multiple faked Initial requests, and exhaust memory. This should be easy
>because those Initial requests are cheap.
>There are obvious ways for the responder to protect itself even without
>changes to the protocol. It can reduce the time that an entry remains in
>the half-open SA database, and it can limit the amount of concurrent
>half-open SAs from a particular address or prefix. The attacker can
>overcome this by using spoofed source addresses.
>The stateless cookie mechanism (that is already in the RFC) prevents an
>attack with spoofed source addresses. This doesn't solve the issue, but
>it makes the address or prefix limiting work. Puzzles do the same thing
>only more of it. They make it harder for an attacker to reach the goal of
>getting a half-open SA. They don't have to be so hard that an attacker
>can't afford to solve them - it's enough that they increase the cost of a
>half-open SAs for the attacker.
>Reducing the amount of time an abandoned half-open SA is kept attacks the
>issue from the other side. It reduces the value the attacker gets from
>managing to create a half-open SA. So if a half-open SA takes 1 KB and
>it's kept for 1 minute and the capacity is 60,000 half-open SAs, an
>attacker would need to create 1,000 half-open SAs per second. Reduce the
>retention time to 3 seconds, and the attacker needs to create 20,000
>half-open SAs per second. Make each of those more expensive, and you're
>likely to thwart an exhaustion attack against responder memory.
>At this point, I'm guessing that this is no longer the most efficient DoS
>attack. The attacker has two ways to do better:
> 1. Go back to spoofed addresses and try to overwhelm the CPU that deals
>with generating cookies, or

GB> From experience the cookie mechanism works very well, I have never
seen a need for an IPS or similar.

> 2. Take the attack to the next level by also sending an Authentication
>I don't think the first thing is something we can deal with at the IKE
>leve. It's probably better left to IPS technology.
>Sending an Authentication request is surprisingly cheap. It requires a
>proper IKE header with the correct IKE SPIs, and it requires a single
>encrypted payload. The content of the payload might as well be junk. The
>responder has to perform the relatively expensive key derivation, only to
>find that the Authentication request does not decrypt. Depending on the
>responder implementation, this can be repeated with the same half-open SA
>(if the responder does not delete the half-open SA following an
>unsuccessful decryption). For extra credit, the attacker can send the
>Authentication request just before the entry expires.
>Here too, the number of half-open SAs that the attacker can achieve is
>crucial, because each one of them allows the attacker to waste some CPU
>time. So making it hard to make many half-open SAs is important.
>A strategy against DDoS has to rely on at least 4 components:
> 1. Hardening the half-open SA database by reducing retention time.
> 2. Hardening the half-open SA database by rate-limiting single
> 3. Guidance on what to do when an Authentication request fails to

GB>I'd say this would need to be a number or % of connections, just a
single auth failing - we wouldn't want to bring the whole system into some
locked down state. For a large number of clients it's common for
authentications to fail (from personal experience).

> 4. Increasing cost of half-open SA up to what is tolerable for
>legitimate clients

GB> This 'sweet spot' is crucial, but seems to vary per implementation.

> 5. Other things?
>Puzzles have their place as part of #4. I think a WG document should
>cover all.
>[1] this could be done in part #1, but that makes the DoS issue worse.
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