Graham Bartlett (grbartle) <> wrote:
    > Now the only issue I can see is alluded to in the draft, where a VPN
    > headend is serving clients with varying resource. So say a botnet
    > attacks this headend and the puzzle is enabled, you have some clients
    > with a lot of resource (that require a hard puzzle) and some mobile
    > devices with minimal (that require an easier puzzle). How do you
    > identify each? The only way I can think is you must do this once the
    > device has authenticated itself - else how do you know who they are?

I have two observations here.

The first is that while the botnet can pull in potentially hundreds of
teraflops of computation in order to solve a harder puzzle, it has
communication overhead in order to do that;

The second observation is that the puzzle has to be trivially parallelizable
in order for the botnet (or even the multi-core mobile phone!) to do better
than a single CPU.

The question is: can we design puzzles and the puzzle parameters such that
multiple threads of execution do not benefit a single client system?

The second part is, can we design the time limit to solve the puzzle such
that there becomes very little budget for multi-processor botnet
communication.  I suspect that this second part is impossible and/or easily
spoofed, as we don't know the actual RTT between client and gateway.
(Or rather, any RTT estimation could be spoofed by a botnet to give itself
more time)

Michael Richardson <>, Sandelman Software Works
 -= IPv6 IoT consulting =-

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