Great point. Puzzles a good tool that will be needed if/when ddos becomes
a serious issue. (I can't think of a silver bullet which will solve this)

They should also not be mandatory (with the option to be configurable as
per cookie notifications) as I would assume some hosts will never be able
to support these.. 


On 26/11/2014 20:02, "Nico Williams" <> wrote:

>On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 02:01:22PM +0200, Yoav Nir wrote:
>> Puzzles limit the rate at which a particular host can create half-open
>> SAs. If the puzzle takes 2 seconds to solve then a particular
>> initiator (whether legitimate initiator, or a node in a bot-net) can
>> create at most 1 half-open SA every 2 seconds.
>> Another way to achieve the same goal is to limit the half-open SA
>> lifetime to 10 seconds and have a hard limit of 5 concurrent half-open
>> SAs per peer. Sure, the attacker will be able to open 5 half-open SAs
>> within one second, but will then be rejected for the next 9.
>> So why do I think we still need puzzles?
>I agree with your and Michael's points, but do recall that
>initiator/responder roles are exchangeable, and even when initiators are
>"clients" they might have to speak to many other responders.  Puzzles/
>puzzle complexity, seems like a good device for throttling half-open IKE
>SA creation when under load, but it might not be a good idea to have 2s
>puzzles on all the time.
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