On Feb 8, 2015, at 1:20 PM, Yaron Sheffer <yaronf.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
I think we've come a full circle. We now have a proposal that makes 
proof-of-work more deterministic for each type of client (which I find very 
useful). But the weaker clients will always lose, no matter what POW solution 
we choose. This has been a problem with this proposal from day one and it's a 
limitation that we as a group need to decide whether to accept or not. In a 
world where some clients are 100X more powerful than others, IMHO this result 
is something we have to live with.

The only partial solution I see to this problem is to recommend using RFC 5723 
session resumption, so that clients who have recently connected can reconnect 
even in DoS situations.

Can a gateway sanely do session resumption when it is under DoS attack? That 
is, can the gateway safely allocate CPU resources to a purported session 

--Paul Hoffman

Yes, of course. It just needs to verify the integrity (MAC) of the received ticket (as easy or easier than our proposed puzzle verification), and then the rest of the exchange is lighter-weight than a typical IKE exchange. See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5723#section-4.3.2.


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