Here’s an issue with this draft; it doesn’t meet the requirements that it 
claims.  In particular, it claims that it is based on standard IPsec, and that 
its security is equivalent to IPsec (R1-R3).  However, it allows (and, as far 
as I am concerned, encourages) the use of tiny ICVs; these tiny ICVs introduce 
security vulnerabilities that do not occur within sane configurations of IPsec 
(where sane includes using an integrity transform).  In particular, using tiny 
ICVs with GCM is a known security issue.

Now, it would be possible to have an encryption protocol that would not have 
issues with small ICVs (say, by using a wide block cipher); however this would 
be rather different than standard IPsec (in part because IPsec was never 
designed with these minimal bandwidth constraints); either we need to stay with 
an IPsec-based protocol (which implies a largish ICV), or go with something 
else (which would have less overhead, but doesn’t look that much like IPsec 

Oh, and a minor note on the IV generation: it’s actually secure to use the same 
key you use to encrypt to encrypt the counter for the IV; you don’t need a 
separate key.

From: IPsec [] On Behalf Of Daniel Migault
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2015 10:08 PM
Subject: [IPsec] Diet-ESP

Please find the new version of Diet-ESP a compress IPsec/ESP for IoT. We have 
implemented and tested Diet-ESP. Compared to the standard IPsec/ESP, Diet-ESP 
can reduce the networking overhead added to unprotected data from 100% to a few 
percent. I will be happy to present these draft next IETF.

Feel free to make comments!

The drafts includes:
 lists the requirements for Diet-ESP
 indicates how to avoid carrying the IV in each ESP packet. It is instead 
generated by each peers. The protocols described in the draft can be used with 
the regular IPsec/ESP.
 describes the core Diet-ESP protocol, that is how to compress/decompress each 
fields of the standard IPsec/ESP. Compression is discribed through a Diet-ESP 
 describes how the clear text can be compressed before encryption. In fact 
unless IPsec/ESP is used with NULL encryption, the data in the ESP packet is 
encrypted. Encryption makes compression hard to perform. Instead compressing 
before encrypting can be very efficient. This makes possible to remove 
UDP/TPC/IP tunnel headers.
 describes how to negociate Diet-ESP with IKEv2. In fact this mostly result in 
an agreement for the DIet-ESP Context. This exchange may then be extended to 
Diet-HIP Exchange.
Daniel Migault
Orange Labs -- Security
+33 6 70 72 69 58
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