Here's the reason that we do use the 32-bit salt value for GCM - to prevent 
batching attacks.

Consider the case that an attacker is able to collect packets from a billion 
(2^30) sessions; each such session contains a packet with the same IV (say, 
IV=0), and contains a packet with the same known plaintext (or, at least, 
plaintext that satisfies the same known linear equations).  Then, what an 
attacker can do is check a key to see if any of the IV=0 packets used that key, 
in constant time.  The reduces the effort for an attacker to find the n bit key 
for some session from 2^n to 2^{n-30}.  What the salt does is multiply the 
effort involved in this specific attack by a factor of 2^32 (because the 
attacker needs to guess the key and the salt); that way, the attacker needs to 
collect 4 billion sessions before this attack starts to have any advantage over 
a simpler attack that just attacks a single packet (which the salt doesn’t 
protect against).

Now, of course, chacha20 has 256 bit keys; hence even if we decided not to 
apply the same protection, someone with a collection of a billion sessions 
might be able to use this to reduce the effort to 2^226.

I'll let you decide whether this is a compelling argument or not…

I think that for 256-bit keys it’s not that compelling. So the question is 
which is simpler: to do as AES-GCM does, or to set the salt to zero?

It seems to me like a "truth in advertising" kind of thing: if we use a 256-bit cipher then people using it expect 256-bit strength, rather than 2^226. So I would be happy if we can get the salt without having to pay in packet length.


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