If not here, where does this advice go?

I see your point. But for instance for X509 certificates, I really would
like to not make any statement and point to whatever equivalent of PKIX
documents there are on that. Does the TLS WG have any documents on
crypto agility for PKIX?

The TLS list currently has a thread about whether TLS 1.3 should prohibit SHA-1 
only in signatures or also in the certificate chain.


It’s not decided yet, but they *are* prohibiting SHA-1 in the protocol 
(CertificateVerify message), and current spec prohibits server certificate 
signed with SHA-1 (only EE certificate) when another certificate exists.

For TLS, the industry is moving faster than the WG on this. Chrome warnings are causing people to migrate to all-SHA256 certificate chains soon. IKE often works with custom certs and private CAs, so the IPsec community needs to set its own standards.


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