On 4 Jul 2016, at 12:44 PM, Paul Wouters <p...@nohats.ca> wrote:

> On Sun, 3 Jul 2016, Yoav Nir wrote:
>>> 3) The Internet Draft Currently under consideration is not the best 
>>> starting point as it assumes that post-quantum pre-shared keys are the 
>>> preferred solution for quantum resistance. This is not obviously the case; 
>>> there are a number of drawbacks with the suggested system:
>> I think this misstates the problem that the draft is trying to solve. The 
>> draft is not a solution to the problem of authenticating peers in a world 
>> where adversaries have quantum computers. The draft is a solution to the 
>> problem of authenticating peers *using pre-shared keys* in such a world. 
>> There may be different solutions for authenticating peers with other 
>> credentials.
> That was not clear to me when we were asking for adoption of the
> document. In one way, I have less issues with it if the document
> can clearly state that is the scope of it. On the other hand, we
> might want to have a discussion about the security of PSK in general,
> and whether the method deserves to be obsoleted completely because
> of its continued weak deployments (eg see Snowden leaks)

We can have that discussion. Or we can resign ourselves to designing protocols 
to fill requirements imposed by other people.


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